• Contoh Materi Speech II

    The Importance Of Education For Human life

    Ladies and gentlemen whom I respect,

    We know that we as human being can not live without knowledge and knowledge can be gotten from education process,.
    Education is a process of teaching, training and learning to improve knowledge and develop skills.
    There are 3 kinds of education. Those are formal education, non formal education and informal education.
    The first is formal education. Formal education Is a kind of education which carried out by the government institution. It is usually carried out in schools and colleges. Formal education gives us universal knowledge begin from social science until natural science , earth science, life science and also political science.

    The second is non formal education. Non formal education is a kind of education which carried out by non formal institution like course. In non formal education, education process happens in a short time, because we master one skill there.

    And the third is informal education that is education which carried out in family or environment society. In the house, we can get knowledge from our parents in basic skills, like how to walk, how to speak, etc.

    Ladies and Gentlemen whom I respect,

    We have known that there are 3 kinds of education that we use in our life. And now, the question is, what is the importance of education for our life??
    Education is really needed for us to able to go through our life. All of our ability is gotten from education process. Begin how to walk until how to depend our life. With education we can live easily. We can get job easily, look for money easily, get health easily, etc.

    In informal education there is religion education that really important for human life. Religion education is needed to give human morality, values and knowledge about relation between human and his God. By religion education we know the good things and the bad things. Lets think, what happen to this world if the people don’t have any religion knowledge in their life ?? I’m sure that this world would be broken.

    Happy audiences,

    As we know that on 2015, we will face a global problem in our country, there will be free trade and competition on that time. We not only compete with Indonesian people to depend life, but also with Australian, Japanese, Chinese, and people from the other countries which have higher education than Indonesia.
    So that, now education is really needed for us especially for young generation to depend our life in the future.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    From my speech above, we can take conclusion that :
    First, there are 3 kinds of education that we use in our life, those are formal education, non formal education and informal education.
    Second, education is really important for human life especially for young generation to able to go through life easily in the global era.

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